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1. Announcement type
2. Category
3. Additional Information
Delivery available
Price By agreement
4. Description
5. Upload a picture (*Maximum of 2 images)
6. Commodity value of the advertisement
The total commodity value of the advertisement is up to 5000$
(The calculation is made on the basis of the price of the goods * the quantity of goods sold)
This parameter affects the price of ad promotion
7. Advertisement promotion (by default your advertisement free)
Gmo free (Promote your GMO-free products and support a healthy future) $
Halal (Use this category for products that comply with halal canons) $
Discount (Select discount ads to take advantage of the best buy and sell deals) $
VIP (Elevate your ad with VIP - stay on top and get noticed) $
8. Personal information
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*Fill in the lines marked with an asterisk